Marketing Tutorials

Using Facebook Insights to target your books audience

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I’m going to redo this series. Sorry for the mix-up before but this is how you can use Insights in Facebook advertising as an author. Even if you don’t have any audience at all you can get some ideas to at least get you started before you get people to your website or whatever, if you don’t have a mailing list. It is possible. You don’t have to scrape users IDs or emails or any of that questionable stuff. Everything you need is here. You do probably have to have a few people that have read your book. If it’s a brand new book and a brand new author with nothing to start with this may be a little bit more challenging but you can still follow the same guidelines and use authors you think might be the same.

The first thing we’re going to do is create an audience in Insights for Facebook. Just go to manage ads and you’ll see the button. We’re going to do everyone on Facebook. I don’t want to go into this completely because my other videos shows you exactly how. What we are going to do is make a new audience. How do you do that? Let’s just take, for example, this author here, Anastasia Green, and two books are out so it’s a fairly new author. What you can find is on the left customers also bought items by, and there’s a list of books. What I do is I cut and paste all these. Then I’ll throw them into a notepad, put that off-screen because you don’t really need to see it after this. What we’re going to do is go to audience insights and go to interests. The easiest thing to do is to grab all of them, copy and paste them in. You can’t see me do it, but as you can tell, looked like nothing happened, even though I did try to paste them in there.

The big problem with that, you may not have a big enough audience or Facebook doesn’t see them as a real interest. Even some of the published authors that are pretty famous aren’t going to be in there. Now what can you do? What I basically tend to do is a lot of times, they may have some different names or whatever, is I’ll take one like I found Cassia Leo or Leo. Not sure how she pronounces it. She’s got 40,000 likes so that’s a pretty good possibility that she’s actually going to show up as an interest. You’ll notice author Cassia Leo is one possibility but you can go back and you can just manually type them, because sometimes I’ve found that pasting all of them in at once doesn’t always work. We type Cassia L-e-o, and there she is, so we can add her.

Now we’ve got 35 to 40,000 monthly active people. You say, well, that isn’t really that big of an audience, but this is all to get you started. If you don’t have any readers yet or if your author page doesn’t show also-reads, find an author that you think is close to what you write about and do something similar. Get their info off of Amazon. For the sake of argument you could put more in but generally I like to run ad groups where I separate everything out. I know if I was running a new ad I would run Cassia Leo and I would go from there. I’m not going to go into how I would only go up … Basically I would do the 25 to 44 year olds, get rid of the 18 to 24. I certainly would get rid of men. The other video I have goes into more detail, so really quickly we can just basically go 25 to 44. There’s your targeting.

We’re at 20 to 25,000 monthly active, which is going to be fine because you just want to see what your click-through rate is, if your readerships even with this person. Eventually you want to drive them to your website so you can have a lookalike audience based off your website of people. That’s a much cheaper way to go in the long run but this will get you going. You’ll still get six or seven cent clicks. There is one other trick you can do, and that is, once your book’s out again and has had some readership, find out, using Google, what other books and what other authors are people looking at that your book has showed up in the also box underneath when you buy a book. Of course it’s not 100% accurate because Google doesn’t do every page every time somebody refreshes it, but I will give you a good idea.

Here’s how I’m going to show you how to do that. Let’s just say we use this book, What Once Was Lost, because I know that had a few people read it. We’ll go here and we’ll just grab that right after the DP. It’s your Amazon ASIN. You can find it other places down here too. Right down here, ASIN. After you get your ASIN number it doesn’t matter which method you use. Go to Google and just type in Space is important. Then you got some quotations marks and in between them you paste that number. The interesting thing is you’re going to see where these books fall. For example, this one main listing is literature and fiction erotica, which you don’t really need to know what’s on that page. It’s just interesting from your own point of view, because you may not always get in the category you think. Customer reviews, that you don’t really need. What Once Was Lost similar items is interesting. You can go in here and look at some of these books, see what these authors are. Let’s see if they have any interest. Here’s a whole list of books. Somebody was on Wedding Day Jitters and that book happened to show up. Does it always show up? No, as you can see it’s not now. It’s just because Google at the time they did that scraping they found your book. Here’s Clouded By Desire so it was on here, so we can look up Carrie Foster. I don’t see the book here.

Again, just visit this author’s page and you’ll get even more ideas. Some of them will be the same but some will be different. The whole point is you want to segment as much as you can, especially when you’re testing. You want to go in ad groups that are very specific and then run ads if you want to change maybe the picture or something like that, but your targeting for each ad group should be the same. Maybe you change in your ad the text of the ad itself or the picture. Don’t change a bunch. Chance one thing, run it for a day or two, and see if it works. Generally what’s going to happen is you’re going to find one winner. Maybe you spend $5 a day for a couple days and you run three different authors, three different likes in here. You have Cassia Leo. Let’s say there was some other author and then another, so you could run three or you could run them two days for each one. Just makes sure you go more than a day, because things tend to even out over time. The first clicks are very expensive and they get cheaper and cheaper. Don’t shortchange yourself. If you’ve got a thousand views and nobody’s clicked through then you can dump that right away, but if it’s at 100 and you have none, you really need to wait. That’s the easiest thing to do. If you have any questions, leave them in the comments down below. Hopefully this will help you, and if you want to learn more about general use of Insights, go to my other video that’s on my website and please be sure to sign up for my email. Thanks a lot.

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