Jutoh Tutorials

Using Jutoh to Create a Document With a Template


In this episode I’m going to show you how to take a document, either Word or Open document or some other format that’s readable by Jutoh and explain the easy way to use a template.

Welcome back. Like I said, I’m going to take my Word document, which is from one of my clients, and use my base template which has all my styles and other things set up and basically just import everything so it works and you’ve got 90% of your work done. I will have a copy of this template below. You can click on and download it and modify it or do whatever you want.

Basically, I’m going to show you the template real quick. That’s all there is to it. I just called it template.Jutoh. I’ll show you how to exactly apply that to your new document but just as a point of reference, I have my title page. I happen to use a graphic on most of the stuff that I’m doing for people. It’s actually the title just by itself. Notice I have author name all caps with an underline. Also publisher all the caps that will come in later because what we can do is just do a search and replace which is very easy in Jutoh.

Table of contents doesn’t really matter because that will be regenerated but all of it’s there so all you have to do is regenerate. Front matter, if you want it, is here. Again author name, so that’ll get replaced, publisher name will get replaced. You can add what you want. I put book description in. You can take any of these sections out you don’t want to use. Acknowledgments, that goes to the end. About the Author, the same thing in Copyright. Basically after book description would come the real book.

Basically, how do we use this? Go to New Project. I’ll use actual title. I might as well get some work done while I’m making this. You can fill all this other stuff out later just like a new project. Here’s the difference though. We want to click this button, on the newer versions of Jutoh, this feature came about. If you’re still using an old one and you never updated, I would update. Most of the time the updates are free. I would do that, you want to click here. I’ve already got this but if you have your templates in other locations you can actually use those. These are the two that come with Jutoh. I happen to leave everything on my Google Drive so that if I’m working on a different machine or somewhere else I can get to it, which I’ve stated before is a great way to go especially if you’re not tied to a desk.

We’re going to click template. You’ll notice it has a cover, style sheets, different configurations. Here’s the documents that are in it. We want to click import options possibly. This template’s pretty easy but if for some reason you don’t to use the cover or you want to not use the style sheet, you can actually only use certain parts of it if you want. In general you’re going to just leave it that like that. We hit OK. It’s importing from that template leaving all this the same. Normal. I don’t want to import Basic CSS from the HTML because I use first indent for all paragraphs. I don’t have a separate first paragraph of a chapter. Some people might. You can add all this if you want. All the section headings are going to be heading 1, standard style sheet. All so far are pretty normal.

Now we’re going to import and we’re not going to import from HTML or one file per section. We’re actually going to get a file that is all the section, which is much easier to deal with because usually you’ll get it from your author or yourself, from Word or somewhere else. You can see my documents in here now. You could also do it from scratch. But then you wouldn’t be using a template really. Didn’t make any sense to do that. You could just open the template and rename it. We’ll go next.

Now it’s going to come up with all the styles it sees in there. It knows to split by style, heading 1 is the most common. You can also say you have chapter something I could split by that or you could split it page breaks. If somebody didn’t use a heading or they’re just plain text and they did like Chapter One, that’s where this one would come in handy or actually would work on either one. We’ll do Heading One. We want to remove unused styles from the style sheet, now. Imported styles over ID fault styles, I don’t want to do that. If you make that mistake you’ll get all the Word or open document styles that probably don’t correspond so you definitely want to get rid of that.

We want to discard imported styles and make sure you don’t click that offer. You’ll see it comes down to none because it’s actually, doesn’t find any of these. It’s nice too it tells you that there’s heading one, it says this style was used 14 times. You can know whether it was used or not.

Let’s press, discard empty paragraphs. I suggest doing that all the time because empty paragraphs are terrible for e-pubs and mobi files, any kind of e-document because of the way they render on different devices. We press next, don’t care about my cover because that’s going to get changed. I’ve already made this as a test to make sure everything was working so we just overwrite. Now you can see it’s creating and boom, everything is ready.

Here’s your page, title page, table of contents, front matter, book description, acknowledgments, blah, blah, blah. You can see now we have Chapter One, it’s all set up as a heading. You can change this as you want but these are already set as the correct format. Of course you may have to change this a little bit as we go along but you’re probably 90% of the way there. The one thing that I will do in the template that now that I see would be easier because I modified it to take out my specific stuff, is I will have one chapter that’s blank in the right spot so you don’t have to actually move all of this stuff. But just in case, you can see how easy it is to move. It’s just three things. You just move those to the end there. Move Chapter 13 back up. Oops. Acknowledgments is the last thing. We’re done.

Basically, you’re now done with your book. By the way, the new Jutoh allows you to open multiple documents so you can actually go back here and change things. Just right-click on this or you can just go file, close, control W. Now we’ve only got our new document. But it’s nice because it’s ready to fill in, pretty much all done.

I hope this helps. The template will be downloadable right below this video. As always, please sign up for my email list because I will announce when I have these things new. As always please make sure you sign up for my email so you can be notified when I put out new tutorials.

###Change log {class=“subtitle is-size-4”}

Jutoh Template updated for version 2 and some additional settings have been applied.

Now updated to version 2.1. Added COPYRIGHT_YEAR as a search and replace parameter.

Removed graphic for title (prevents corrupt objects when compiling with Jutoh 2.)

See: Jutoh - Hyperlink not resolved in TOC

Added “Use relative dimensions” flag. (used for Amazon Look Inside compatibility)

Jutoh Template updated for version 2 and some additional settings have been applied.

Click for the Jutoh Template

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