I recently decided to repurpose a product and turn it into a book and Kindle version. The Kindle version had no real issues with images since they get down sampled anyway, but the printed book needed to have the images at at least 300 dpi (dots per inch). If not the images would almost certainly be grainy, and I don’t want that. Most screen capture software saves the images at 96 dpi or sometimes 72 dpi.
Transcript Hello, everybody. Today I’m going to talk about how to make your long documents in Word very easily usable in InDesign. I know a lot of people are afraid of InDesign because it’s really a complicated program, but hopefully the next series of tutorials that I’m going to do here will help you out, and I’m going to give you a free template that I use that will make your life much easier.
Update I realize I should have accounted for the spine bleed and the new version on google docs has it. I will update the excel version as well. Transcript Hello. Jon Griffin here, and today I’m going to show you how to use my CreateSpace cover dimension sheet to create a cover in Photoshop with all the right dimensions and guides. Hello, everybody. I’m going to show you a real quick and easy way to set up a template in Photoshop for your physical books on CreateSpace.
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